Master of Sports Physiotherapy (Latrobe University, 2017)
Grad. Cert Sports Physiotherapy (Latrobe University, 2015)
Master of Physiotherapy (University of Sydney, 2010)
Bachelor of Human Movement and Exercise Science (Victoria University, 2008)
Diploma of Sports Coaching (Victoria University, 2007)
Certificate III & IV Fitness Instruction (Box Hill TAFE, 2004)
First, many of us have a natural tendency to lean forward and slouch while working at a computer, especially over long hours. You may sit straight for the first hour or two of each day, but as fatigue sets in, you can find yourself slumping forward. The resulting aches in your neck and back can be persistent and frustrating. A Toorak physiotherapist can show you strategies for improving posture while offering solutions such as massage for managing pain.
Next, making corrections in the habits we gather from office work now can pay dividends in the future. Much research has shown the adverse health effects associated with prolonged and sustained periods of sitting down. Working with a physiotherapist to develop a healthier approach can be an essential step for you to take for the future.
As a final thought, you may wish to arrange for a Toorak physio appointment if you plan on taking up a serious exercise regimen. Moving from a more sedentary lifestyle to an active one can be very beneficial, but it is worth being aware of the potential risks. You do not want to overdo things from the very start, after all, and coming for physiotherapy near Toorak can offer you a valuable opportunity to assess what types of exercise would benefit you the most.
We see many visitors from offices in Toorak seeking physiotherapy because of discomfort they feel. Recognise that even though you may not be drilling ore in a mine, your work at a desk still affects your body. Learn more about how that occurs, and what you can do about it, by reaching out to our friendly team today. Call us on (03) 9885 8456.