Post Surgery Rehabilitation

Post-Operative Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists are the ideal people to help you navigate through major or minor surgery to joints, tendons, bones or muscles. Let us assist in your recovery and help you to bounce back quicker and stronger with Post-Operative care.

How we can help

Post-Operative Physiotherapy can assist in the recovery from a number of surgeries and procedures. We can help you through this process by optimising your function and regaining your physical and mental confidence using a range of strategies: 

  • Strengthening weaknesses or poor muscle timing or imbalance
  • Reducing pain, swelling or discomfort
  • Providing great tips of how to best tackle each part of the recovery process
  • Lengthening or stretching tight muscles or other tissue
  • R​​estoring normal body movements and co-ordination
  • Restoring balance and proprioception
  • Gait re-education
  • Planning ongoing preventative strength training at home, in the gym or in group class settings
  • Returning you to sport or exercise
  • Education about expectations

During your initial appointment your physiotherapist will: 

1. Comprehensive Assessment πŸ’¬

Our experienced practitioners will delve into your medical history, focusing on your most recent surgery, previous surgeries and previous injuries. This discussion assists in designing a rehabilitation plan individualised to your recovery needs and goals. 

2. Thorough Examination πŸ“‹

Next, we'll conduct a comprehensive physical examination to accurately diagnose your condition, pinpointing specific areas affected by the surgery or injury. This comprehensive examination helps us identify the specific areas to improve post-operatively and focus on during your recovery journey with us.

3. Initial recovery plan

Based on the assessment, collaboratively, we'll discuss preliminary recovery goals tailored to your post-surgery needs and personal goals. Whether this includes regaining strength, improving range of motion, or managing pain, we'll provide insights into your recovery journey and set the initial steps towards recovery.

 Personalised Rehabilitation Plan πŸ“…

With insights from your assessment and recovery goals, we'll develop a customised rehabilitation program aimed at facilitating your post-surgery recovery. From targeted exercises to specialised therapies, our approach is designed to address your specific needs and optimise your rehabilitation progress.

5. Hands-On Therapy

During your session, you'll experience hands-on treatment from our tailored to your post-surgery rehabilitation plan. From targeted manual therapies including joint mobilisation, soft tissue mobilisation to therapeutic exercises focusing on improving strength, balance and flexibility, our interventions focus on restoring function and reaching your goals.

6. Education and Empowerment πŸŽ“

Finally, we'll provide you with valuable education on initial post-surgery recovery strategies including pain, wound and swelling management. We will then equip you with knowledge regarding safe movement mechanics, stages of recovery and injury prevention techniques. Throughout this entire process, we are dedicated to help you regain functionality and resume your daily activities with confidence.


Common conditions we treat: 

  • Knee replacements
  • Hip replacements
  • ACL reconstructions
  • Knee ligament repairs
  • Rotator cuff repairs
  • Shoulder surgeries
  • Ankle and foot surgery
  • Fractures
  • Carpal Tunnel Release

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